The Drawing Club

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46 The Drawing Club


History, sarcasm, irony, anger, and

admiration can all drive the context

of a drawing through storytelling.

World of Warcraft, pencil and marker on paper,
Kendra Melton

What does the model’s pose

make you think about?

At The Drawing Club, artists often see the model’s pose as a
starting point. From there, they take off in a variety of direc-
tions. For example, a model might work with us as an action
character. The poses throughout the night express strength
and toughness. For some, this strength and toughness show up
in the drawings because the proportions are exaggerated and
the marks are drawn aggressively. But for others, the session
becomes an opportunity to try something else. A very serious
pose can turn into a funny drawing, or a funny pose can become
a melancholy drawing.

It all comes down to the moment, because you aren’t just
drawing what you see. You draw what you are thinking, and
you create a drawing that is a reaction to the moment. History,
sarcasm, irony, anger, and admiration can all drive the context
of a drawing through storytelling.
So, as it relates to storytelling, the question is, what do you
bring to the drawing? The model (and we have some very
talented character models in L.A.) tries to create great poses
in character to draw from. The stage setup, props, and lighting
create a physical mood, as does the music. The rest is up to the
artist. Asking what you bring to the drawing is like asking what
your point of view is.
I typically get emails before a workshop asking what char-
acter or model we will be drawing that week. Most artists have
favorites. That’s understandable, but the true challenge at The
Drawing Club is not to plan ahead, but to respond to what is
there that night and see what you have to say about it. Doing
this consistently will help you develop a point of view or
approach to a particular problem all your own.
Artists who are confident in their abilities can change their
point of view on a dime, depending on what they want to say.
Often, they don’t know what they want to do until they are in
the moment.

Leslie Marc Halperin in a World of Warcraft theme

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Chapter 3: Concept and Story

History, sarcasm, irony, anger, and

admiration can all drive the context

of a drawing through storytelling.

World of Warcraft, pencil and marker on paper,
Kendra Melton

It all comes down to the moment, because you aren’t just
drawing what you see. You draw what you are thinking, and
you create a drawing that is a reaction to the moment. History,
sarcasm, irony, anger, and admiration can all drive the context
of a drawing through storytelling.
So, as it relates to storytelling, the question is, what do you
bring to the drawing? The model (and we have some very
talented character models in L.A.) tries to create great poses
in character to draw from. The stage setup, props, and lighting
create a physical mood, as does the music. The rest is up to the
artist. Asking what you bring to the drawing is like asking what
your point of view is.
I typically get emails before a workshop asking what char-
acter or model we will be drawing that week. Most artists have
favorites. That’s understandable, but the true challenge at The
Drawing Club is not to plan ahead, but to respond to what is
there that night and see what you have to say about it. Doing
this consistently will help you develop a point of view or
approach to a particular problem all your own.
Artists who are confident in their abilities can change their
point of view on a dime, depending on what they want to say.
Often, they don’t know what they want to do until they are in
the moment.

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