The Drawing Club

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52 The Drawing Club



See your inspiration

At The Drawing Club, we have a video projector projecting
images on the wall to the left of our model on stage. Sometimes,
we will show a slideshow of images relevant to the character that
night or we might show a film featuring the character or genre
to set the mood. For example, when we do a theme based on a
comic book character, we might show drawings of that character
or pages from the actual comic. Or we might have a character
such as a gangster and show film noir movies to help set the
mood and time period.
When Paul Briggs comes to The Drawing Club, he likes to
set up on the side where he can see both the model posing and
the movie we are projecting on the opposite wall. He does this
because when the model takes a pose, he tries to imagine the
model in a scene from the film.

Above, Emma Peele, marker on paper, Paul Briggs
Above right, Nicki Minaj, marker on paper, Paul Briggs

G.I. Joe, marker on paper, Paul Briggs

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See your inspiration

At The Drawing Club, we have a video projector projecting
images on the wall to the left of our model on stage. Sometimes,
we will show a slideshow of images relevant to the character that
night or we might show a film featuring the character or genre
to set the mood. For example, when we do a theme based on a
comic book character, we might show drawings of that character
or pages from the actual comic. Or we might have a character
such as a gangster and show film noir movies to help set the
mood and time period.
When Paul Briggs comes to The Drawing Club, he likes to
set up on the side where he can see both the model posing and
the movie we are projecting on the opposite wall. He does this
because when the model takes a pose, he tries to imagine the
model in a scene from the film.

Above, Emma Peele, marker on paper, Paul Briggs
Above right, Nicki Minaj, marker on paper, Paul Briggs

G.I. Joe, marker on paper, Paul Briggs

When you are drawing a particular character, try laying out
all of your research in front of you as you draw. This could be
a movie playing on TV, copies of images that you found after
doing some research, or some inspirational drawings of your
own. Or play some music to help you imagine the character. If
you are drawing a pirate, try putting on some music from your
favorite pirate movie. All of this will help you to stay focused on
trying to solve a specific problem without getting too distracted.

Chapter 3: Concept and Story

club Tips
■■ When you are drawing a particular character, try laying out all of your research in
front of you as you draw.
■■ Try not to just draw a person in a pose. Think about what that character might be
thinking about in that pose.
■■ When you are trying to express a sense of storytelling with your characters,
remember that you are both designing the character and defining the moment for
that character.
Taking sTock
■■Are the proportions right?
■■Is the form reading?
■■Is there a likeness?

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