The Drawing Club

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78 The Drawing Club



What makes you laugh?

When setting out to do funny drawings, it is really easy to
get stuck. Because everyone has their own sense of humor, it is
important to have a point of view and not worry too much about
what other people might think. The most important thing is
whether you think it’s funny. Which leads to the question:
What makes you laugh?

To help you put a finger on it, collect images of things you find
funny. Every once in a while, spread them out and look at them.
These could be illustrations, photos, caricatures, comics, video
clips, magazine ads—and some of your own drawings, of course.
There is something about having all of them staring you in the
face that helps clarify your sense of humor. Do this whenever
you get stuck, and always keep collecting new images.


Don’t censor yourself

When you are drawing a character and you want to make a
funny comment with your drawing, don’t censor yourself. Go for
the jugular, if you have to. The best artists I know who do the
funniest drawings are fearless in this way. Like a great stand-up
comic, you have to be brave and say it like you mean it, even
if you bomb every once in a while. Just don’t get in the habit of
playing it safe. If the character is trying to be cool and you think
he looks ridiculous, don’t hold back!

School Girl, colored pencil, cut paper and tape on paper, Rich Tuzon

Toulouse-Lautrec Dancer, colored pencil on paper,
Wilson Swain

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Chapter 5: What Is Funny?

To help you put a finger on it, collect images of things you find
funny. Every once in a while, spread them out and look at them.
These could be illustrations, photos, caricatures, comics, video
clips, magazine ads—and some of your own drawings, of course.
There is something about having all of them staring you in the
face that helps clarify your sense of humor. Do this whenever
you get stuck, and always keep collecting new images.


Don’t censor yourself

When you are drawing a character and you want to make a
funny comment with your drawing, don’t censor yourself. Go for
the jugular, if you have to. The best artists I know who do the
funniest drawings are fearless in this way. Like a great stand-up
comic, you have to be brave and say it like you mean it, even
if you bomb every once in a while. Just don’t get in the habit of
playing it safe. If the character is trying to be cool and you think
he looks ridiculous, don’t hold back!

Toulouse-Lautrec Dancer, pen on paper,
Wilson Swain

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