The Drawing Club

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88 The Drawing Club



Cheap: Basic is best sometimes

Sometimes, when you make up your mind to take something
seriously, you get bogged down overthinking or overpreparing.
This not only makes you lose momentum, but it can also make
you lose interest. I see people do this all the time when it comes
to drawing. “When I get the right sketchbook” or “I’m looking
for these certain pencils, and when I find them, I’ll get started”
—these are all classic excuses, just so you know.

James Dean, pencil on paper,
Bobbi Lewis

So here is some friendly advice for anyone starting out: Don’t
buy anything. That’s right; don’t spend a penny. Defiantly and
without excuses, just draw on any paper you have lying around,
and use a normal pencil or pen. My favorite is the classic yellow
#2 pencil with the red eraser on top. No fancy sketchbooks are
necessary to start out with either. The back of junk mail enve-
lopes and sticky notes works just fine. If this helps you to relax
and do better drawings, all the better!

The Devil, colored pencil and marker on yellow legal paper,
Forrest Card

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Chapter 6: Materials

So here is some friendly advice for anyone starting out: Don’t
buy anything. That’s right; don’t spend a penny. Defiantly and
without excuses, just draw on any paper you have lying around,
and use a normal pencil or pen. My favorite is the classic yellow
#2 pencil with the red eraser on top. No fancy sketchbooks are
necessary to start out with either. The back of junk mail enve-
lopes and sticky notes works just fine. If this helps you to relax
and do better drawings, all the better!

The Devil, colored pencil and marker on yellow legal paper,
Forrest Card

(Fogra 29) Job:11-41057 Title:Drawing club Handbook
#175 Dtp:204 Page:89

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