
(Frankie) #1

(^60) Winter 2019

  1. With right sides together, lay an appliquéd unit corner ¼" to the left of a
    center mark on one of the bottom sides.

  2. Begin sewing from this mark which is ¼" from the left corner of the top
    piece to the center mark of the top unit. This will put the needle ¼" from
    the corner of the bottom unit. With the needle down, pivot the top unit by
    folding it over to the left so the remaining portion of this top side will line
    up with the side of the bottom unit.

  3. Repeat Step 4 to sew seven of the eight half sides together. The eighth
    side will be left open for turning and stuffing.

  4. Carefully turn the biscornu right side out without stretching the wool.
    Stuff until quite full then using a whip stitch, sew the opening closed.

  5. Using a very heavy thread and large needle, sew from the top straight
    through to the bottom, leaving a 3" tail at the top. Reinsert the needle next
    to where it came out and come out at the top near where you started.

  6. Remove the needle and grab both ends of the thread. Pull tight to create
    the indentation on the top and bottom, then tie off.

  7. Attach the button to the center using the thread tails.

  8. Finish your biscornu with a decorative stitch over the seam.

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