
(Frankie) #1^89

Sewing Instructions

  1. Position the snow on the background and affix in place. Stitching will be
    added later.

  2. The appliqué pieces will be positioned first on the appliqué pressing sheet
    over the layout guide to ensure all are in the proper place.

  3. Once satisfied with placement, remove the fusible’s paper backing and
    press in place on the pressing sheet with a steam iron.

  4. Carefully peel your design off the pressing sheet and lay on linen with
    snow background.

  5. Using coordinating perle cotton buttonhole stitch around each piece,
    including the mounds of snow.

  6. Make clusters of French knots for flower centers and add a line of stem or
    back stitch up the side of the gift to indicate the corner edge of the gift box.

  7. Transfer or freehand the letters on the background and stem stitch.

  8. Repeat Step 7 to make the sleigh runners. Dawn chose to stitch two rows
    of stem stitch side by side to make the runners stand out.

  9. When stitching is complete, square up the pillow top to 14" x 16".

  10. Iron a fusible batting rectangle to the wrong sides of both the top and

  11. With wrong sides together, sew around the entire outer perimeter with a
    scant ¼" seam.

  12. Bind the perimeter of the pillow using the traditional method.

  13. Cut a slit in the BACKING ONLY, then stuff pillow with fiberfill.

  14. Whip stitch the slit closed. This is a good spot to add your “made by”

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