Ambitious, energetic, enterprising.
Your obligations, health, and
relationships are in the spotlight.
Saturn in your communication sector gives
your words authority, so use them wisely.
Ruling planet: Sun. Gem: Diamond.
(Marcia Wallace, actress)
Brave, talented, sensitive. Paying
attention to the little things helps
to keep a relationship on track. If
a conflict arises, a positive attitude will
reduce the tension. Don’t neglect your
spiritual life. Ruling planet: Moon. Gem:
Pearl. (Stefanie Powers, actress)
Expansive, loyal, curious. Put
your excellent intellect to work
where it can do the most good.
Choose activities and interests that can
increase self-esteem. Avoid excesses and
extravagance. Ruling planet: Jupiter. Gem:
Amethyst. (Dolph Lundgren, actor)
Determined, generous, inde–
pendent. People admire your
personality and good looks,
which can be helpful in business and
other areas of life. If a relationship
ends, it has served its purpose. Ruling
planet: Uranus. Gem: Lapis. (Matthew
McConaughey, actor)
Enthusiastic, versatile, inspiring.
You have tremendous physical
allure. This year you learn more
about the world as you meet new people
and explore new issues. Ruling planet:
Mercury. Gem: Emerald. (Elke Sommer,
Influential, strong-willed, resolute.
Make this a year of intellectual
growth by exploring new
places, interests, and beliefs. You
can become more influential in your
family and community. Ruling planet:
Venus. Gem: Sapphire. (Maria Shriver,
Creative, inscrutable, passionate.
If you make success a priority, you
can gain ground in your specialty.
Look for new sources of income and
emotional support, and don’t allow others
to control you. Ruling planet: Pluto. Gem:
Carnelian. (Marie Curie, physicist)
Charismatic, imaginative, resilient.
You have a good imagination and
great inner strength. Use them to
make a dream come true. You need to strive
to stabilize cherished alliances. Ruling
planet: Saturn. Gem: Garnet. (Margaret
Mitchell, author)
14 Horoscope Guide
by Pat Strickland
Born in November? Here is a special message for the year,
just for you! It includes key traits, talents, expectations,
and a celebrity match to your special day. Happy birthday!