NOVEMBER 2019 31
Magazine. According to the same article,
the accused murderer, Anthony Comello,
has “no mafia ties.” He is accused of
driving up to Cali’s house in a pickup truck
and ramming Cali’s Cadillac, knocking off
its license plate, which brought Cali outside
to deal with it. After a brief conversation
between the two, Comello shot Cali 10
Comello was reported to have confessed
when arrested, but at arraignment he
pleaded not guilty, his trial is pending,
and no matter how that comes out, he is
considered to be a marked man. No one
seems to have a clue as to why he would
have done such a thing, and the incident
trails other mysteries in its wake, such as
the fact that the month before the murder
Comello was reported to have
shown up in a Federal courthouse
in Manhattan, and then at Gracie
Mansion (the official residence
of New York’s Mayor), wanting
to make a citizen’s arrest of the
Mayor Bill de Blasio, as well as
Congresspersons Maxine Waters,
Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi.
Enough said on that, so let’s
look at the astrology of the two
shootings. The first thing to
notice in the charts of these two
incidents is the involvement of
Saturn in the same place near
an angle in both charts and
making a strong aspect to Mars—
an opposition in the first case
and a nearly exact trine in the
second. Also notice Sun opposite
Pluto and trine Neptune in the
first chart. The second chart is
rather unusual because it reflects
something that has been written
about in “Tomorrow’s News” of
late, which is all the close interaspects
such as, say, the exact sextile of the Sun to
Pluto, and the nearly exact trine of Saturn to
Mars, and its nearly exact quincunx to the
Moon. If we went beyond aspects within
one degree, we would have plenty more to
talk about, but of course we don’t have the
space. We don’t know how such aspects
might have urged on the two suspects in
these shooting because we don’t know
their birth dates. Frank Cali, however,
was born March 26, 1965 and John Gotti
was born October 27, 1940. I do have an
assassin/victim, pair with birth dates for
both, that I brought up a couple of months
ago, so in lieu of looking further at the New
York incidents, I’ll get back to that in next
month’s column. P