NOVEMBER 2019 35
children, which soon
gave him a reputation as
a noted seer and astrolo-
ger. Nostradamus’ birth
date shows a preponder-
ance of Water signs. His
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn
are all conjunct in Can-
cer, and his Uranus and
North Node are in Pisces.
His Moon may have been
in Scorpio, though we
can’t know that for sure.
Water signs traditionally
share the characteristics
of being highly intui-
tive, very emotional, and
extremely susceptible to
everything around them.
People with a heavy
Water influence can usu-
ally read those around
them pretty quickly.
The Prophet and the Painter
In modern times there was a man
named Edgar Cayce who also saw visions
and used them both to help others and to
predict future events. Unlike Nostrada-
mus, he didn’t gaze into a bowl of water
to see his visions, nor did he write poetry
to convey them to others. Instead, Cayce
went into a sleep-like trance in which he
spoke while someone took notes on what
he was saying, which led people to refer
to him as the “Sleeping Prophet.”
Cayce had his first vision in May of
1889, when he was reading the Bible in
a wooded area near his home. He later
reported that he had seen a beautiful lady
with wings who asked him what he want-
ed to do in life, and he answered that he
wanted to help people, particularly sick
people. He later heard the voice of the
lady telling him that she would help him
while he slept.
Cayce discovered that he could fall
asleep more or less at will, and when he
awoke he would know the answers to
any questions that he had, particularly
those related to upcoming exam questions
when he was still in school! During a
series of hypnosis sessions, which Cayce
underwent due to a persistent case of
laryngitis, he discovered that he was also
given medical diagnosis answers while
asleep. Cayce also saw images in his
mind at times, and when he awoke would
describe them to aides, who would then
make a record of them.
His visions were not just about winged
ladies, school exams and medical prob-
lems, however, as in some of his sessions,
he described changes to the earth that he
saw coming to the world in the future.