
(singke) #1

NOVEMBER 2019 39


here may be no better words to
hear than “you’ve got a friend!”
We each have our own friendship
needs, wants, and desires, but when it all
comes down to it, the best kind of friend
to have is someone who fills a space
in your life that no one else could fill.
Though every sign relates to one idea of
friendship or another, astrologically it is
Aquarius that traditionally governs the
general concept of friendship. No wonder
then that it was Carole King, with her
Sun in Aquarius, who wrote the hit song
“You’ve Got a Friend,” a track on her
famous 1971 album Tapestry. According
to her birth certificate, as reported on
astrodatabank.com, King was born on
February 9, 1942, at 11:42 p.m. Eastern
War Time, in Brooklyn, New York.
Her Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in
Aquarius, giving her the overall person-
ality, mindset and drive of the Aquarian.
King wrote this song from her heart, and
once said in an interview that she felt it
came from the most “pure inspiration”
she had ever received, and she also said
that she wrote the song in response to
James Taylor’s 1970 song, “Fire and
Rain,” which contains the mournful
refrain, “I’ve seen lonely times when I
could not find a friend.” Taylor was born
March 12, 1948, at 5:06 p.m. EST in
Boston, Massachusetts, and his Mercury
at 25 Aquarius is conjunct King’s Sun
and Mercury pairing at 20 Aquarius, so
there is something to be said here for that
Aquarius-friendship connection!
However, every sign has its own
unique capacity for friendship. During
times when we feel in need of a friend,
we can use a little knowledge of astrology
to find just the right person by using the
positive vibrations of our own 11th house.

Each of the 12 houses of the horoscope
rule certain parts of our lives, and the 11th
happens to be associated with friendship,
and with other ways that people come
together, such as groups, associations, and
clubs, as well as the hopes, dreams, ambi-
tions, and goals that often unite people in
a common effort.

An Eye on the Planets
The solar chart is a very widely used
astrological tool that serves as the basis
of the guides in this magazine, and in
the many newspaper columns and apps
that give clues to the day ahead for each
sign. Just by knowing your Sun sign you
can tell what your own friendship house
is, and this allows you to keep an eye
on where planets that might promote
your friendship interests are on a given
day. The simplest thing to look for is
which, if any, planetary bodies are tran-
siting through your 11th house during
the time period you are interested in. The
Moon will be your most frequent visitor,
on an average of two and a half days
each month. The Sun, of course, transits
through each sign for about one month
out of the year, as does Mercury. Venus
may make an appearance in each sign
about once every 14 months, though this
varies widely, and Mars will stop by on
an average of every two years, the same
time that it takes him to transit through
the zodiac. Venus and Mars, however,
have long retrograde periods that have
them in one or another sign for months at
a time, so you have to keep a close watch
on the both of them.
Once you get past the Sun, the Moon,
Mercury, Venus, and Mars, then you are
in for a much longer wait to find Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto knock-
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