
(singke) #1

8 Horoscope Guide





by Kenneth Irving

Ancient Astrology in Theory and
Practice: A Manual of Traditional
Techniques, Volume 1, by Demetra
George. Rubedo Press. 588 pages,
paper. $49.

In looking at this volume, the first
thought of someone old enough to have
witnessed astrology’s big revival in
the late 20th century
(thinking as far
back as the ’60s
here) might be the
wistful realization
that astrology in
the Western world
was much simpler
then than now.
That thought in fact
occurred to me when I
picked up my copy of
Ancient Astrology in
Theory and Practice
to begin working
on this review, and
noticed that it had
been lying on top
of a compact little
paperback published
in 1963 that managed
to convey the basics

needed to get a start in the astrology of that
time in a mere 175 pages. There is indeed
an interesting contrast between then and
now, but the greater truth underlying
that contrast is that over several decades
astrology grew up, explored its roots,
and went to school, through a process
involving the scholarship and teaching
skills of many people.
There were several
different threads in
that process, but the
two most pertinent
here are the fresh
Project Hindsight
translations of Greek
and Latin works from
ancient and medieval
astrology, and the all-
too-brief existence of
Kepler College, with
its accreditation from
Washington state, in
the 1990s. Both are
still in existence in
some form, but the
point is that each
acted as a focal
point that provided
a new generation of
astrologers with an
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