NOVEMBER 2019 95
1st Fri.—Friendship is your credo, Aquarius. Venus
enters Sagittarius, your house of community projects,
altruism, and groups, making you branch out with your
2nd Sat.—Solitude serves you well, especially when
dealing with personal matters. Family responsibilities and
financial obligations incline you to withdraw and ponder.
3rd Sun.—Opportunity knocks to launch another
friendship based on cross-cultural similarities or academic
interests. Shared travels spark informative conversations.
4th Mon.—Your idealism is coming on strong, and you’ll
debate ethical issues with distinction and from an abstract
perspective. Tolerance takes front and center.
5th Tues.—Yesterday’s comparisons have ramifications
in certain quarters, and those who disagree with your
observations fester in privacy or provoke strong reactions.
6th Wed.—Your cash flow hits a snag, especially when
you hear a plea for donating to a friend in need, or to
a worthy cause. An authority figure acknowledges your
good deeds.
7th Thurs.—Trying to make the world a better place
becomes manifest in your words and actions. Recalling
the past for others sheds new light on the present and
the future.
8th Fri.—Saturn in Capricorn sextiles Neptune retrograde
in Pisces, making it easy for you to manage your
resources and distribute what you don’t use to others
in need.
9th Sat.—Mercury retrograde in Scorpio sextiles
Pluto in Capricorn, inclining you to keep mum about a
boss’s comments. Your own background research is
10th Sun.—A fractious situation leads to debates about
right and wrong, so you’ll speak your mind freely here.
You’ll raise points of interest that others have overlooked.
11th Mon.—Mercury retrograde in Scorpio conjoins
the Sun, giving you more authority at your place of
employment, no matter how minor. Your words are taken
12th Tues.—The Full Moon in Taurus lights up the house
of home, real estate, and ancestry (the 4th). Family roots
loom large, and so does your domestic environment.
13th Wed.—Mercury retrograde in Scorpio sextiles
Saturn in Capricorn, giving you a chance to apply logic
behind the scenes and solve a convoluted problem.
Bosses praise.
14th Thurs.—Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune
retrograde in Pisces, highlighting a worthy cause or
group endeavor that could be impractical and lacking a
firm direction.
15th Fri.—Disagreements this morning morph into lively
ethical discussions later this afternoon. Justice and fair
play are re-framed and other perspectives are highlighted.
16th Sat.—Family matters predominate on your to-do
list, and you’ll tackle them in a logical and systematic
manner. A staff member assumes more responsibility
than usual.
17th Sun.—Disturbing emotional issues rise to the
surface, and you’ll meet them head-on. Controversy leads
to quick fixes, but you’ll discuss and debate them before
you act.
18th Mon.—Authority figures have blind spots in certain
areas, and your attempts to remove them ignites stress
and tension. Someone’s identifying with the issue at hand.
19th Tues.—Mars enters Scorpio, your house of rank,
status, career, reputation, and higher-ups (the 10th).
Taking control here will create a take-no-prisoners
20th Wed.—Mercury stations direct in Scorpio, paving
the way for you to put puzzle pieces in place in career
endeavors. An anticipated green light appears; move
21st Thurs.—Take a financial issue behind closed doors
for clarity. Your partner’s accurate information and eagle
eye provides solutions that end the confusion and dismay.
22nd Fri.—Group dynamics and worthy causes bring
out the best in you, and the camaraderie reaches across
ages and cultures. A message is magnified and broadcast.
23rd Sat.—Attempts to rectify a disturbing situation can
be undone behind the scenes. A combined effort with like-
minded pals restores justice and sets the record straight.
24th Sun.—Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus retrograde
in Taurus, causing upheaval in your home front and place
of employment. Prepare for sweeping changes in both
25th Mon.—Venus enters Capricorn, your house of
privacy, charity, convalescence, and destructive habits
(the 12th). Downtime becomes productive, temperance
will prevail.
26th Tues.—The New Moon in Sagittarius stirs up
the house of altruism, friendships, community projects,
and aspirations (the 11th). Civic movements are on the
27th Wed.—Neptune stations direct in Pisces, your
house of your assets and income (the 2nd). A new
direction appears in financial management, and you’ll take
it for a while.
28th Thurs.—Mercury in Scorpio trines Neptune in
Pisces, setting the scene for you to get a financial point
across to a member of the top brass. Your intuition is
on overdrive.
29th Fri.—Subconscious actions that impact your health
or impede your progress are brought to light and analyzed
for clarity. Revelations take root; you’ll strive to improve.
30th Sat.—Domestic routines are shelved as you give
into your erratic impulses to tinker with electronics or
one of your hobbies. Colleagues join in the fun and