Bloomberg Businessweek

(Steven Felgate) #1
 ECONOMICS Bloomberg Businessweek August 20, 2018


the companyive years ago. He added more software
and sensors to production lines to cut waste. He also
let some people go. But the big innovation was start-
ing a consulting business, ISmart Technologies, to
teach other manufacturers how to streamline.
ISmart Technologies’oice is just a short walk
away on the other side of the parking lot, but inside
it’s a diferent world. There’s a Silicon Valley-style
open-loor plan with exercise equipment in a corner
of the room. During a reporter’s visit, several of the
venture’s 12 employees were having a meeting while
doing pullups and playing around with a balance
ball. Kimura’s goal is to eventually book as much
revenue from consulting services as from auto
parts. If electric vehicles and ride-sharing really take
of, he says, “a lot of our business will disappear.”
Further down the supply chain, where most
companies have fewer than 30 employees, there’s
less money to invest in new businesses and technol-
ogies. In 2017, a year when Toyota made a record
proit, 40 percent of Toyota City’s small manufac-
turers reported falling incomes, according to a local
government survey. Only 15 percent said they had
any staf doing research and development.
“We don’t have any hands to spare,” says
Kunihiko Kondo, who until May was the top oicial
at Toyota City Tekko Kai, a local machinery mak-
ers association.
Even at Jtekt Corp., a giant manufacturer of
power-steering components and drive shafts
part-owned by Toyota, President Tetsuo Agata
is uneasy. “We don’t know how we’re going to
deal with the new kinds of demand,” he said in a

January interview. “Everyone is worried.”
No economist has conducted a formal study of
the possible efects of an EV revolution on Aichi. A
recent analysis of Germany’s car industry by the
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering
showed that if just a quarter of all vehicles were
powered by electric motors, the country would lose
9 percent of its auto jobs—and that was after adding
all the employment EVs would create.
A separate study sponsored by carmakers last
year argued that a combustion-engine ban being
debated by Germany’s parliament would imperil
half the industry’s workforce. Lawmakers are con-
sidering a 2030 deadline but haven’t committed.
Martin Schulz, an economist at Tokyo’s Fujitsu
Research Institute, says the job losses in Aichi would
be substantial, though probably not as large as the
2017 study suggests. He says auto parts makers face
something like what hit the Swiss watch industry in
the 1970s and ’80s, when electronics replaced gears
and springs in most wristwatches, putting hundreds
of traditional companies out of business and tens of
thousands of people out of work.
Which is why, back in Aichi, Kimura is building
a new business to replace the old. It’s only a matter
of time before Toyota starts ordering fewer of his
engine parts. “Whether it’s three years or ive years
from now, I’m not sure,” he says, “but it’s coming.”
—Connor Cislo and Nao Sano, with Jason Clenield,
Kevin Buckland, and Masatsugu Horie

THE BOTTOM LINE The advent of electric vehicles, ride-sharing,
and driverless cars will lead to substantial job losses in Japan’s
Aichi prefecture, which is home to 310,000 auto industry jobs.

 A factory worker
at auto parts maker
Asahi Tekko


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