(Romina) #1
I spend a lot of time flying
and driving to get to regional
theatres and arts centres
around Australia, but I love
it. Regional audiences are the
best. I crochet now to help
pass the time (only when I’m
flying, obviously, not driving).

I’m constantly astounded
by my appalling sense of
direction. I can’t even follow
a GPS. I once took three
and a half hours to drive from
Melbourne to Bendigo with
the GPS constantly telling
me to “make a U-turn and
proceed to the route”. I was
so exasperated by the time I arrived that
I taped the GPS under a seat and gave it
away that night as a lucky door prize.

When I’m travellingfor work or with
someone else, I’m never late to the airport.
But if it’s a personal trip and I’m travelling
solo, I’m always late. I’ve even missed a few
planes, which is about the dumbest, most
expensive thing you can do.

I always overpack.I never use at least half
of what’s inmy suitcase. The one thing
I always pack that I always use is a satin
pillowcase – I sound like a crazy old lady
from the ’50s, but it really stops your hair
getting tufty and your face getting creased.

My first overseas trip was to Baliwith two
girls from work. I was 19 and incredibly
naïve. I don’t think I’d ever seen people
that drunk before.

Soon after that I travelled to Boliviaand
had my pocket picked by a street kid.
I turned the story into a standup joke
that’s still one of my favourites, but I don’t
think I’d have the balls to do it now – it
was pretty mean and involved me kicking
down the kid’s cardboard house. (I didn’t,
by the way – it was just a joke.)

My sister is my ideal travel companion.
She’s easy-going and lets me plan stuff.
We both travel a lot for work so when
it comes to holidays we don’t want to
struggle with language or terrain or
heat. We like swanky city holidays with
a nice temperate climate. No trekking or
“adventure”. Just good food, a bar nearby
that makes a great Margarita and a bit of
shopping. Oh, I know – hello princess!

I love Europe. All of it.But Paris is my
favourite because I have a cousin who lives
there and speaks “attitude” like a Parisian.
When a waiter tells me not to sit in a
certain area, I leap up like a scalded cat
and run out of the café. When a waiter tells
her not to sit somewhere, she waves her
hand, says, “Pfff” – which I think is French
for “whatever” – and tells him to get her
a coffee. And he does. It’s awesome.

Years of travelling have made me awareof
the power of language. I’ve made several
attempts at learning Spanish but came
a cropper in the Canary Islands when
I wanted to go horseriding. I mangled the
word for horses, “caballos”, and asked the
concierge instead for “caballeros”. What
I announced, with great confidence, was
that I wanted to ride some gentlemen.●

How I travel

Kitty Flanagan’s new book,Bridge
Burning and Other Hobbies(Allen
& Unwin, pbk $29.99), is out now.



The navigationally challenged

comedian hits the road with

her cat and a crochet hook.



Just back from...
A month at
Brunswick Heads.
I took a road trip
with my dog and
cat. Believe it or
not, my cat travels
extremely well.

Next up...
Adelaide, my
favourite festival
city – and it has
zero humidity.
Free download pdf