
(Michael S) #1
howyouwanttopaint.If youwanttopaintclownsallyour
life,paintthem.If youpaintthemwithconviction,it does
carrytheday.Theideaofnotusingblackis very19th

workedout,notcompletely.I mighthavea startingpoint:
a photoora place,butit’snotillustration– it’sthe
amI tryingtoputintothis?Whatmakesit morethanjust
a reproduction?That’sthemagicingredient:yourability
self-portraitsreallybecauseit is himlookingatsomeone
JohnMonks:TheStudiorunsfrom 17 Octoberto 15 November
atLong& Ryle,

Tell me about the process of making the work. There’s
paint all over the studio...
There’s paint all over the dog!

You must be very physical in the way you apply the paint?
Yeah, the pictures are more constructed than painted
you might say.

In what way?
Well, I don’t use a brush much. I just have one big brush
and a palette knife. I do things like work on them on the
floor. If you hadn’t been coming, the canvas would have
been on the floor because I do things like spray turps to
break up [the paint]. And when that is dry, I work on it and
maybe do it all again. I think you always have to go through
a point of despair with them. You need the fear factor.

Are there things you know you can do to resolve a painting?
There’s no one procedure, no kiss of life. I throw away a
lot of paintings. Some just don’t work. You come to a point
where the surface is beyond workable, it is like painting
porridge on porridge. It’s lost any ability to be manipulated.

Some tutors warn against using black paint, but your work
often features pure white and black. Why is that?
When you’re younger, you’re perhaps more conscious of
should I do this or shouldn’t I? I think you’ve got to paint

John manipulates
paint and says his
current canvas
has a surface
“like a rhino skin”.

Not using black paint is

very 19th century... Find

what’s appropriate for you

Artists & Illustrators 29

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