i Liam! You’re back
with your second book
Second Helpings and
it looks every bit as
delicious as your first! Can you tell
us a bit more about it?
Tha nk you! Er mm I’ ll say it def initely
shows that I do have savoury muscles to
f lex, so t here is a bet ter ba la nce
between sweet, savoury, indulgence
and, dare I say, healthy recipes. The
quirky ideas and flavour combos are
defo still a running theme – there is a
clear connection between Cheeky
Treats and Second Helpings.
Did you find it easier writing
your second book and how is it
different to your first?
Honest ly, it was easier in one sense, but
difficult in others. Formatting recipes
and getting into the groove of writing
them, yes that defo came easier.
Making sure the savoury ideas are just
as good as my sweet was the
challenging part, but I think we have
something really cool.
If you had to pick one recipe from
the book that you think everyone
should try, what would it be?
The sweet lasagne – I’m telling you...
it’s insane!
We know your nan was a big
inspiration to your creations on
the Bake Off, where did you find
the inspiration for the recipes in
your new book and how has your
repertoire developed?
Inspiration comes from everything really,
a lmost t he idea of ‘How would I like to eat
during the week?’ vs ‘ How would I treat
myself?’ Also my local area; being
brought up in north and east London
means you are exposed to so many
cultures and different types of food.
Well... I think I know how to make a
good choux pastry and that after Bake
Off. Also, I think I know how to taste
t hings bet ter, my pa late has broadened.
I’m also a tidier baker... just a bit.
You were the youngest GBBO
contestant in 2017, but this year
showstoppers but yeah, same Liam,
just on the other side.
You’ve gone from competing, to
hosting and now judging... how
do you find time to relax and
what’s your favourite way to chill?
I honestly don’t know... nah, I’m joking!
You do find pockets in the year where
you can just chill out, you have to find
t he ba la nce. I like to ha ng out w it h pa ls,
play F IFA , go bowling, watch a cheek y
podcast, listen to music and, of course,
bake for fun.
What’s your proudest
achievement to date?
Honestly, all of it because I feel like
each thing has led to another, so it’s
created this really cool knock-on effect,
but if I had to pick... Liam Bakes is
100% up there!
What’s next for you?
nah I’m joking. You guys will have to
wait and see!
many of the bakers are under the
age of 30 – do you think baking
has become more popular among
the young?
If I’m honest, I think the interest from
younger bakers was always there, it was
just t he c ase of g iv ing us t he
opportunity to shine and showing to
people t hat ba k ing’s not just for
older generations.
Any words of wisdom for
budding bakers?
Once you learn the fundamentals of
ba k ing, r un w ild w it h your ideas a nd
don’t let anyone tell you ‘no’. Take risks
a nd ex press yourself. Yes, ba k ing is a
science, but it’s a lso an ar t.
We hear you’re judging the new
Junior Bake Off, what can we
expect from you now you’re on
the other side of the workbench?
Honestly, I feel like I’m just the same as
I was on Bake Off, I just make decisions
now with Prue. I may give some ideas
on how to improve the bakers’
Quickfire^ roun
d^ +++
+Sweet or savoury? Lol, I’m SW-AVOURY
+Chocolate or caramel? CARAMEL
+Cake or cookies? CAKE
+Hosting or judging? Hmmmmm... both, both
+Cheek y Treats or Second Helpings?