
(Grace) #1
Recipe taken from
Ama by Josef
Centeno and Betty
Hallock, published
by Chronicle Books
(£21.99) .
Photography by
Ren Fuller.

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Fig & orange

brioche pudding

For the pudding
6 slices of brioche (you can use
leftover panettone or good
quality white bread without
the crusts)
50g (1¾oz) softened butter
4-5 tbsp Hawkshead Relish Fig
& Orange Jam
275ml (9½fl oz) whole milk
60ml (2fl oz) double cream
3 large free-range eggs
75g (2¾oz) sugar
grated zest of 1 orange
25g (1oz) candied peel
75g (2¾oz) sultanas
1 tsp demerara sugar
To serve
custard or whipped cream, with
a little orange liqueur folded

1 Preheat the oven to 170°C/Gas
Mark 3.

2 Generously butter the slices of
brioche, panettone or bread on one
side, then spread three tbsp jam over
them. Cut the slices into triangles and
arrange them in an ovenproof baking
dish, butter-side up, overlapping as you
go and keeping them upright if you can.
3 Whisk together the milk, cream,
eggs, sugar and half the orange zest,
then pour this mixture over the bread.
Scatter the candied peel, sultanas,
demerara sugar and remaining orange
zest over the pudding, then leave to
soak for 20 minutes.
4 Place in the oven for 40-45 minutes
until the top is golden and crunchy, then
brush more jam over the top and cook
for a further 5 minutes.
5 Serve the pudding straight from
the oven with the custard or
whipped cream.

TIP Use brandy, rum or an orange
liqueur such as Grand Marnier or
Cointreau folded through the cream or
added to the mix along with the jam if
you like.

Blood orange


115g (4oz) cream cheese, at room
4 free-range eggs plus 3 egg yolks
180ml (6½fl oz) sweetened
condensed milk
180ml (6½fl oz) evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
seeds of ½ a vanilla pod
½ tsp grated blood orange zest,
plus 2 blood oranges, thinly sliced
a pinch of fine sea salt
90g (3oz) sugar

1 Preheat the oven to 165°C/Gas
Mark 3.
2 Put the cream cheese, eggs, egg
yolks, condensed milk, evaporated
milk, vanilla and seeds, orange zest and
salt in a blender. Blend until smooth,
about 1 minute. Strain the mixture

through a fine-mesh sieve. (This makes
a generous 720ml (25fl oz) of custard.)
3 Set six baking dishes in a roasting tin
(we use 180ml (6½fl oz) ovenproof bowls,
but you can use any size of ramekin or
individual baking dish). Pour the custard
into the ramekins, dividing it evenly
among them. Carefully pour hot water
into the roasting tin so that it comes
halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
4 Bake until the custards are set but still
jiggly in the centre; start checking at
20 minutes, and every 5 minutes after
(the timing will depend on the size of
your ramekins and how much you’ve
filled them). Remove from the oven and
let cool slightly in the water. Remove
from the water and cover lightly with
clingfilm. Chill in the refrigerator for at
least 2 hours or overnight to set.
5 Remove the custards from the fridge.
Top each with 2 or 3 slices of blood
orange and 1 tbsp sugar. Caramelise the
tops with a chef's blow torch, then ser ve.
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