
(Grace) #1


  1. Egremont russet
    A very distinctive eating apple from
    the Russet family with golden-yellow,
    rough skin, Egremont Russet has
    a distinctive nutty and even smoky
    f lavour, which makes them particularly
    delicious for juicing.

  2. Fiesta
    One of my favourite apples and
    similar in flavour and composition
    to t he Cox’s, wh ich is ac t ua l ly it s
    parent, Fiestas have a balanced
    sharp and sweet flavour, are
    aromatic and easily cooked, eaten
    raw or ju iced. The sk in is a lso t he
    most wonderful deep red colour.

  3. Fuj i
    Hailing f rom Japa n w it h a cr isp, juic y
    and sweet f lavour, Fuji apples are best eaten
    raw, sliced into sa lads or used in d r ink s.

  4. Golden Delicious
    A very popular eating apple in the UK
    and Europe, Golden Delicious are crisp
    and juicy with a rich, sweet f lavour when

picked late in t he season. A n idea l eat ing
apple, it needs to be used in simple, delic ate
d ishes when cooked to avoid it being
overshadowed by stronger, bolder f lavours.

  1. Granny Smith
    Intensely juicy, bold, sharp and
    packing a punch, Granny Smith is a
    hugely popu la r eat ing apple t hat a lso
    holds its own when cooked, in terms
    of both flavour and shape. Granny
    Smith can be cooked in many ways
    and is also great for juicing.

  2. Honeycrisp
    Crisp and sweet, a diverse eating apple that
    c a n be used across t he boa rd, f rom
    roast ing to juicing. They a re pa r t icula rly
    good dried or made into apple crisps.

  3. James Grieve
    A dua l-pur pose apple t hat is great when
    cooked in pastries and pies, but
    particularly when juiced, and you can also
    eat it raw, but you need to wait until later in
    the season when the fruit sweetens. A great
    alternative to Bramley.




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  1. Jazz
    A very young variety in apple terms, having
    been grown for the first time in New Zealand
    in t he 1980s, Ja zz apples a re ver y juic y a nd
    crunchy with a sweet/tart balance and
    a lmost pea r-like f lavour. They c a n be used in
    pies, baking and are great in drinks too.

  2. Red Delicious
    Mild, sweet and delicately f lavoured, Red
    Delicious are a popular and widely available
    eating apple in the USA, in particular.
    Although similar to the Golden Delicious in
    its f lavour, the two are not actually related.
    Good for eating, this isn’t a great apple to
    cook with due to its delicate f lavour.

  3. Red Falstaff
    Usually eaten fresh and great for juicing,
    this apple has an aromatic flavour and
    sweet-sharp balance.

  4. Royal Gala
    One of the most widely available
    apples on the planet, Royal Gala
    apples are crisp, juicy and sweet
    with floral and vanilla notes.
    Incredibly diverse, Royal Galas are
    great eating apples and can also be
    used in sa lad s, chut neys a nd
    preserves, baking, and even diced
    into burger patties.

  5. Worcester Pearmain
    First noted in 1874, the Worcester
    Pearmain is a crisp, aromatic apple
    with unusual strawberry notes.

If you are lucky enough to be able to search
out local varieties, simply use the
sug gest ions to pick a n unusua l va r iet y t hat
has similar qualities.
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