The Wall Street Journal - 07.10.2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

***** MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2019 ~ VOL. CCLXXIV NO. 83 HHHH$4.

Last week:DJIA26573.72 g246.53 0.9% NASDAQ7982.47À0.5% STOXX 600380.22 g3.0% 10-YR. TREASURYÀ1 16/32, yield 1.515% OIL$52.81g$3.10 EURO$1.0980 YEN106.





On Trump

‘Multiple’ sources back
account of president’s
dealings with Ukraine’s
leader, legal team says


*Slack went public via direct listing. Its offer price is a reference point published by the exchange.
Source: Dealogic






9% Firstdayoftrading







More Than 100 Die as Iraqis Protest Corruption, Lack of Jobs

RAGE OVERFLOWS: Medics rushed injured demonstrators in Baghdad to a hospital. Over the past five days, Iraqis have taken to the
streets in anger over runaway inflation, economic mismanagement and corruption in the 16 years since the U.S.-led invasion. A


Why Is Mariah Carey Back

On the Charts? Blame TikTok

Old hits get new life on social video app;

‘Who doesn’t love a good, classic Dolly?’

A Catholic Church
panel will consider
loosening the celibacy
rule for priestsA

The Supreme Court
returns, with issues
such as abortion, guns,
gay rights on docketA

WASHINGTON—At least one
additional whistleblower with
firsthand knowledge of the cir-
cumstances around President
Trump’s July call with his
Ukrainian counterpart has
come forward, according to
lawyers representing both the
individual and the CIA officer
whose initial complaint helped
spark an impeachment inquiry.
The existence of a second
whistleblower comes as Mr.
Trump repeatedly has sought
to attack the credibility and
motive of the first individual,
whose whistleblower complaint
in August details efforts by the
president to pressure Ukraine
to investigate a political rival.
“I can confirm that my firm
and my team represent multi-
ple whistleblowers,” Andrew
Bakaj, the lead attorney for the
first whistleblower, wrote in a
tweet. “No further comment at
this time.”
Mark Zaid, another attorney
representing the initial whistle-
blower, said that a second
whistleblower, also an intelli-
gence official, has come for-
ward with information about
some of the allegations de-
scribed in the initial complaint.
Please turn to page A


With contract talks in De-
troit in a critical stretch, bar-
gainers at General Motors Co.
and the United Auto Workers
union clashed over competing
proposals during the weekend,


as they struggled to resolve
the longest nationwide strike
at the company in decades.
The UAW’s top bargainer for
GM said Sunday that talks had
taken “a turn for the worse,”
saying that the giant auto
maker had reverted back to a
previously rejected proposal
with only minor changes. That
marked a change from Friday,
when negotiators expressed
hope an agreement that would
lead to an end of the three-
week standoff could be largely
hashed out during the weekend.

Still, negotiations continued
Sunday even after the letter
was released. Some on the com-
pany side feel the parties re-
main close on important issues
that have been sticking points,
including pay for newer em-
ployees and a path to full-time
status for temporary workers,
according to a person familiar
with the company’s thinking.
GM’s team felt blindsided by
the union’s public rejection of
its offer, this person said.
“We continue to negotiate
in good faith with very good

proposals that benefit employ-
ees today and builds a stron-
ger future for all of us,” a GM
spokesman said. “We are com-
mitted to continuing discus-
sions around the clock to
reach a resolution.”
A resolution would move
the union closer to concluding
a strike at GM that is poised
to enter its fourth week, a na-
tionwide walkout that is al-
ready the company’s longest
since 1970.
The strike has halted fac-
Please turn to page A

GM, Union Clash as Talks Narrow

UAW rejects latest
offer, citing ‘turn for
the worse,’ though
negotiations continue

IPO Market Cools Off
Shares of newly public companies, earlier this year one of the
hottest investments on Wall Street, are slumping after investors
soured on unprofitable startups such as Uber and WeWork. B

Kong,” in reference to the mass
rallies against China’s authori-
tarian government on the
streets of the semiautonomous
city. The Rockets are scheduled
to play an exhibition outside
Tokyo on Tuesday.
Mr. Morey quickly deleted
the tweet, but the damage was
done. Chinese sponsors pulled
their money from the franchise,
Chinese broadcast partners said
they wouldn’t air Rockets
games and the Chinese Basket-
ball Association suspended its
ties with one of the NBA’s best

Mr. Morey tweeted again on
Sunday night to explain that his
views don’t represent the
team’s or the league’s. The NBA
soon addressed the fallout for
the first time, but the league
quickly found itself under attack
by American politicians on the
left and right for its statement,
which attempted to reaffirm the
league’s commitment to free
speech but said it was “regret-
table” that Mr. Morey’s tweet
had offended Chinese fans and
“The values of the league
Please turn to page A

The National Basketball As-
sociation scrambled late Sunday
to contain an escalating crisis in
China after a Houston Rockets
executive’s tweets supporting
pro-democracy protests in Hong
Kong sparked an international
The league’s carefully plotted
strategic emphasis on China
was jolted off course on Friday
night when Rockets general
manager Daryl Morey tweeted
an image with the words “Fight
for Freedom. Stand with Hong


NBA Furor Rages on Official’s

Tweet on Hong Kong Protests

starring then-actor Ronald
In the decades that fol-
lowed, medical schools
started accepting greater
numbers of women, who are
more likely to be Democrats
(women today account for
nearly half of U.S. medical
students). Consolidation and
the cost of new technology
made it harder to own a
small practice. Older physi-
cians sold theirs, and new
ones didn’t want to hang
their own shingle, so they be-
came employees of health
systems. The result is fewer
Please turn to page A

Doctors used to be Amer-
ica’s quintessential Republi-
cans. During the 20th cen-
tury, most were high-earning
men who owned their own
practices. They liked Republi-
cans’ support for curbing
medical malpractice lawsuits
and limiting government’s
role in health care. When
Democrats proposed creating
Medicare in the 1960s, the
American Medical Associa-
tion, the largest physician
group then and now, opposed
the idea with a campaign


Changes in Medicine

Push Doctors to Left

Policy and demographics drive historic shift
in profession once filled with GOP stalwarts


One of the first songs Dane
Drennan heard on TikTok was
The song has
popped up in a range
of short TikTok
videos, including
people lip-sync-
ing to the lyr-
ics as well as
more random
scenes: a girl fall-
ing down the
stairs, someone
painting a Sponge-
Bob SquarePants character on
a shirt, and a science experi-
ment with a beaker, a match

and a hard-boiled egg.
“I hadn’t thought of that
song in a hot minute,” said Mr.
Drennan, a 19-year-old sopho-
more in Oklahoma City. The
song was first released 13
years ago, when he
was 6 years old. Mr.
Drennan has since
saved the song on
Spotify so he can lis-
ten to it some more.
TikTok, the so-
cial video app that
has boomed with
younger generations
since its launch just
over a year ago, has become a
force in the music industry, de-
Please turn to page A




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Banking & FinanceB
Box Office..................B
Business News. B3-
Crossword.............. A
Heard on Street.. B
Life & Arts...... A13-

Opinion.............. A17-
Small Business.......B
Sports........................ A
U.S. News............. A2-
Weather................... A
World News A6-8, 10

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All Rights Reserved




At least oneadditional
whistleblower with firsthand
knowledge of the circum-
stances around Trump’s July
call with his Ukrainian coun-
terpart has come forward.A
Barr is stoking tensions
in foreign capitals, going out-
side usual channels to seek
help in reviewing the origins
of a U.S. probe begun during
the 2016 campaign.A
The NBAfaces a furor
over a team executive’s
tweet supporting Hong
Kong’s pro-democracy move-
Authorities are racingto
drain water from swollen
reservoirs on the Upper Mis-
souri River to prepare for
next year’s flood season.A
Years of economicmis-
management and corruption
in Iraq have led to protests
that have killed nearly 100
U.S. forcesare expected
to withdraw from northern
Syria in advance of an ex-
pected incursion of Turkish
Trump’s hopes for a deal
to denuclearize North Korea
were set back when it de-
manded a significant U.S.
concession. A


argainers at GMand
the UAW union clashed
over dueling proposals dur-
ing the weekend, a sign the
road to ending the longest
strike at the auto maker in
decades remains bumpy.A
While commission-free
stock trading is a victory for
online brokerages, it could
also make the firms a victim
of their own success.B
The outlookfor third-quar-
ter corporate profits is dark-
ening, a threat to further de-
rail a stock market already off
to the worst start to a quarter
since 2016.B
Shares of newly public
companies are in a slump
after investors soured on
unprofitable startups from
Uber to WeWork.B
U.S. health officialsare
confronting a sprawling black
market for vaping products
as they seek to combat a
mysterious lung illness and a
surge in teen vaping.B
As Americans grabfor
more snack bars, sales are
falling for the big brands from
General Mills and Kellogg.B
Warner Bros.’“Joker”
soared to a record October
opening weekend as height-
ened security didn’t deter



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