(avery) #1

When beep, boop, beep just won’t do




ometimes your project would be
better, or at least more fun, if you
could just add some audio feedback
that’s a little more sophisticated
than just a beeping piezo or small
speaker. We’re not talking about
building your own audio amplifier, because
we know that would just be a topic
on which we would all end up
debating best practices
for decades, if not

longer. We’re talking about adding a little audio flair
to your project by playing back pre-recorded audio.
You might think that playing an MP3 audio file
is easy, but as soon as you start looking into the
actual requirements of encoding and decoding
WAV, MP3, or other audio file formats, you’ll soon
come to the conclusion that many times it’s just
easier to pick up a shield or board to handle all the
heavy lifting. In this Best of Breed article, We’ll be
looking at a range of solutions for adding simple
tones, recorded messages, or even full HD audio
playback to your next project.
There are so many options out there,
as we quickly found out when doing
a deep dive into the seemingly never-
ending abyss of audio add-on boards
available online for this review.
Even several of the boards we’ve
selected to review include multiple
variants that feature different
capabilities or board compatibility,
so be sure to head on over to the
manufacturer’s website for even
more options before making a
selection. Hopefully these reviews
will inspire you to add a little
more than just a simple beep,
boop, beep in your next project.
Don’t get me wrong, we happen
to love the sounds of R2-D2, but
sometimes C-3PO is a little easier
to understand.


Adding high quality audio feedback to your next project

By Marc de Vinck @devinck

When beep, boop, beep

just won’t do

Marc de Vinck
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