(avery) #1



he overwhelming majority of
graphical output from computers
is rasterized, where images are
converted to a series of dots that are
displayed as light or ink. With small
enough dots, our eyes can be tricked
into thinking that these dots represent real curves
or other shapes, but it’s always a lie. Look closely
enough and the dots always expose themselves.
There are, however, a few hold-outs – products
that refuse to buy into this discrete world of
points, and live in the world of lines. Line-us is one
such product.
Two servos control arms that move a pen in two
dimensions, and a third lifts the pen off the paper
when it’s not drawing. The simple arm arrangement
has quite a limited drawing area that’s in the shape
of half an ellipse, with a chunk missing. This is due

to the radial arm arrangement, and the body of the
machine limiting access to part of the drawing area.
It’s approximately 16 cm at its longest point, and
7 cm at the widest. You can access the full area by
using the API (see below), but only a rectangular
portion of this if you use the app.
The device comes with a steel backing plate. You
place your paper on the plate, then the magnets in
the Line-us snap down, holding everything in place
while it draws. When you’re done, everything comes
apart again. With this setup, you can draw on a
sheet of paper, a page in a sketchbook, or anything
else that the robot can fit on. Although the drawing
area is quite small, this setup means you can place
it on a much larger sheet of paper (and it can be
moved round to the place you want it).
The Line-us can use any pen with a diameter
less than 13 mm. However, you can’t change pens
mid-print, at least not automatically – there’s nothing
to stop you having different sketches representing
different colours, but you will need to manually
change and calibrate the pen each time.
The easiest way to get started with Line-us is via
the app (which is available for Windows, OS X, iOS,
and Android). This gives you a sketch area to draw
your designs, and access to the cloud, where you
can store your designs or share them with others.
This connects to the device over WiFi (a Line-us
can create its own WiFi network if there’s not one
already available), so there are no wires to get in the
way, or to limit the places you can put the Line-us.
As yet, there are no public sketchbooks (or the
ability to share with the world at large), though the
FAQ claims that this ‘will be added to the software
very soon’. These would make it much easier for the
more artistically inept of us to get started with the
technology, and learn what’s possible with it.



By Ben Everard ben_everard

Add real-world images and words to your projects

LINE-US £89 line-us.com

The drawing quality
is exactly what is
shown on the packet

  • wobbly, but with a
    certain charm

Free download pdf