(avery) #1


Arduino: The Next Generation


assimo Banzi had been the
public face and CEO of Arduino
for as long as there had been
an Arduino, but in November
2017 he stepped down as part
of a partnership with ARM
Holdings that also ended the lawsuit between two
organisations, both called Arduino. Up stepped
Fabio Violante to become the new CEO. We caught
up with Fabio to find out about the new technology,
and how he got started with Arduino.

HackSpace You’re the new company CEO, but
what’s your personal relationship with Arduino?

Fabio Violante It’s a long story! It goes back to the
origin of Arduino. I know Massimo because we
were working together and we were friends in
normal life. When I finished my PhD in Computer
Science at Politecnico di Milano – the main
technical university in Milan – I was doing a PhD
in human-computer interaction, but doing boring
stuff. Human-computer interaction for safety-
critical systems, so, theory and doing a lot of it.
I went to visit the Interaction Design Institute of
Ivrea – a school that was started just six months
before I went to visit them – and they asked me
if I knew someone who could teach electronics to
designers and to ask this question to my colleagues
at the Politecnico.
I went back and they said “No! Teaching
electronics to designers? For us?” Those were
guys working on highly sophisticated FGPAs, so
they didn’t care about designers. I thought about
Massimo – he had a real passion for electronics
and he worked as a CTO for an internet provider
at that point in time. I said, “Massimo, you could
be the right person for this type of engagement –
they’re designers, you love design, and you know
electronics.” I introduced Massimo to the school
and they hired him. That’s how the story started.
When he was teaching at the Design Institute of
Ivrea, they started the Arduino project as a way to

standardise the electronics projects the students
were doing. I introduced Massimo to the school and
they invented Arduino, so I’m sort of the great-
grandfather to some extent.
I was in touch with Massimo occasionally – once
or twice a year as a sort of mentor – but I had my
own company. In 2010 I sold my company to BMC
Software (the eighth largest software enterprise
in the world). I then became CTO of BMC Software
for five years until 2015, but I was commuting from
Italy every other week, so I decided to resign. At
that point Massimo reached out to me and said,
“Now that you have more time, could you help me
with Arduino?”
This was more or less the starting time of the
legal mess between the other party and us, so I
started just advising and then step-by-step I got
more engaged because there was a lot of work to do

  • to transform Arduino into a company and solve
    the legal situation and, from there, more and more
    engagement. It became like a 200% occupation of
    my time, and in 2017 we resolved the situation with
    the help of ARM and I became the CEO, and we
    made Massimo focus more on the technology side
    as CTO of the company. It’s a very long story – I
    tried to compress it!

HackSpace It feels like there’s a lot more coming
out of Arduino at the moment.

FV When you don’t have to cope all the time with
lawyers and you have this community ... for me
the innovation was the simplest thing. The more
complex thing was transforming this group of
ultra-smart people into something that can deliver.
There was a change between the past and now. In
the past there was this announcement and like
one year later or two years later [the product came
out]. Now I put a rule in Arduino that, when we
talk about something, we should have this thing
almost ready to ship. All these products that we are
announcing will be available between the end of
June and the beginning of July.

Meet the man in charge


Fabio Violante
is justifiably
pround of the new
Arduino products
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