(avery) #1


hat’s the plan, at least. But in practice,
a 3D-printed space telescope, no matter
how much cheaper it is than established
hardware, is never going to be built
unless people on the ground have the
skills to build them. To solve this
problem, the Open Space Agency has also developed
the STEMcase, an open-source portable makerspace,
designed to facilitate the growth of maker skills in the
developing world back down on planet Earth. Mariéme
Eve Jamme, CEO of SpotOne Global Solutions, is a
strong advocate of improving STEM-related educational
policies in Africa by utilising the maker movement. She
strongly believes in supporting initiatives that channel
incoming foreign aid and investment into the right
educational programs to upskill the youth, as the vast
amount of STEM-related job opportunities in Africa are
currently being outsourced. She views the STEMcase
as one such possible solution.
The STEMcase consists of a set of two dust-,
water-, and shock-proof Peli cases designed to deliver
STEM education to remote locations. The complete kit
includes a fully equipped electronics prototyping bench,
a low-cost and repairable Raspberry Pi-based laptop, a
100% recycled filament extruder, and an open-source
Prusa i3 MK2 3D printer, which is considered by the
3D Hubs community to be the best low-cost desktop
3D printer currently available. The final part of the kit is
an open-source SatNOGS ground station, which
provides essential satellite communications to
remote locations.
SatNOGS provides the plans to build satellite
tracking stations, and a protocol and framework to
share the satellite data with those that cannot afford
or lack the skills to develop their own tracking
station. The SatNOGS hardware consists of readily
available materials, off-the-shelf components, and
3D-printed parts.
The Open Space Agency believes that the argument
for STEM is not just an economic one; the
democratisation of technical skills will aid everything
from climate change to the control of epidemics.

The STEMcase comes with a syllabus designed to help
educators focus on stimulating interest in STEM
development within the local community. The idea is to
work directly with keen locals to eventually take OSA
out of the loop entirely, leaving a self-sufficient
makerspace ready to propagate ongoing maker activity
in a developing area.
“By guiding the flow of [overseas aid] to projects
and initiatives that will allow the recipient country to
flourish, they will be the creators of their own
independence, be it economic, social, or health-
related,” says James. “The educational aspect that
comes with the STEMcase is just as important as the
capabilities of the case itself.” You can find out more
about the STEMcase at hsmag.cc/bSQyQL.

The Ultrascope –
celestial photography
from home
Open Space Agency
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