(Marcin) #1

Build your first rocket


We’ve got the outside of the rocket designed. It’s
time to move inside and look at how we’ll secure
the motor. With the Body Tube highlighted, click
the Inner Tube icon and, in the dialog box, set the
following parameters:

  • Outer diameter: 1.9 cm

  • Inner diameter: 1.8 cm

  • Wall thickness: 0.05 cm

  • Length: 7 cm

  • Material: Cardboard

In order to make sure that OpenRocket knows
where to put our motors, we need to let it know that
this is where we want to put one. In the Motor tab,
check ‘this is a motor mount’, then click Close.
The inner tube is just floating around inside the
rocket at the moment; we need to add some bits
to secure it to the main tube. With the Inner Tube
(motor mount tube) highlighted (you’ll need to select
it in the component list), click the Centring ring icon,
and enter the following in the dialog:

If you’re looking to get started at designing your own rocket,
an open design is a great place to begin.
The Open Boat Tail rocket takes low-power 18 mm
engines, so is great for people getting started in rocketry.
You can find the designs at hsmag.cc/AOudIm.
If you’re looking for something with a little more
‘oomph’ (mid- to high-powered rocketry), then the Open
Development Rocket is a great place to start. It’s a rocket
designed to be made using a 3D printer and laser cutter (as
well as a few commonly available parts, such as cardboard
tube). It takes a 38 mm motor in the mid-to-high power
range (G to I).
On its maiden flight, the ODR reached 3255 feet, but
deployed the parachute a little bit too early (possibly due to
a loose nose cone shaking as it fell, rather than waiting until
it had reached the preprogrammed deployment altitude),
so if you base your design on this rocket, you may need to
make adjustments to take this into account. You can find the
designs at hsmag.cc/TFEFJa.
In both cases, you’ll find everything you need to 3D-print
and laser-cut your rocket. Couple this with some easy-
to-find hardware (such as some cardboard tube and an
altimeter), and you’ll be ready to fly.

Selecting the
correct material
helps OpenRocket
understand how the
rocket will behave
in flight
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