Easy illustrations with Cutout
You don’t have to be a natural artist to draw; you can quickly create a cityscape
illustration using the Cutout and Gaussian Blur filters, with a little help from the
Pen Tool. Begin by opening ‘pex_169647_city.jpeg’ from the FileSilo.
To apply the Cutout filter to just the buildings, grab the Pen and ensure Paths is
selected, and then draw around the shape of the buildings. Create a selection
around the working path and then apply Filter>Artistic>Cutout, set to 3, 2, 3.
To enhance the gradient background of the image, select the original path and
convert the path to Subtract from Shape Area (located in the Pen Options bar).
Now create a selection around the sky and go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur and
amend Radius to 59px.
You can also apply the Gaussian Blur filter to soften the edges of shapes. Begin
by creating a number of long rectangles, convert them to a Smart Object and then
the Gaussian Blur can be applied. Do the same to create a moon.
Turn a photo into a vector-style image using two filters