Time Magazine International Edition - 09.20.2019_

(Greg DeLong) #1


Re “The WoRld’s 100
Greatest Places” [Sept. 2–9]:
TIME does a great job re-
porting on the news that
matters, including the steady
destruction of the planet
by climate change caused
by carbon emissions. But
we need journalists to be
responsible in helping the
public make connections
between our choices (espe-
cially leisure choices) and
their consequences. Luxury
cruises to remote and frag-
ile places will hasten the
day when it will be harder
for TIME to find 100 great
places left in the world.
Teresa Dickinson,
Rockville, Md.

Re “living on Tips”
[Sept. 2–9]: The article
didn’t state the obvious:
American business owners
have bullied the public into
taking responsibility for
paying their staff a decent
living wage. They should
be ashamed of themselves.
Compare that with Australia,
where service staff are paid
a decent hourly wage, and
where we’ll give a tip only
for service that is well and
truly over our minimum
expectation. A waiter
walking your beer from the
bar to your table does not
warrant a tip.
Paul Archer,
hobaRT, ausTRalia

Tipping up To 20% of The
bill has always been a nui-
sance for European visitors
to the U.S., giving them a
feeling of guilt and fear that
if they do not tip enough,
an American family may go
hungry while they fill their
stomachs. A clear message to
the state governments: intro-
duce a minimum wage peo-
ple can live on. If restaurant
owners do not comply, close
their enterprises.
Hans Tappe,
hoRn-bad MeinbeRg,

This aRTicle is a MusT-
read for all of France’s Yel-
low Vest protesters who have
been paralyzing their own
country and bashing a gov-
ernment that still offers them
unlimited social protection
and decent minimum wages.
Thank you for this deep dive
into the struggling lives of
people inside one of the most
powerful countries, the U.S.
Elisabeth Dahan,
Toulouse, fRance

Re “JusTice is elusive
When Policing Goes Wrong”
[Sept. 2–9]: The report of
the woman who was killed
while helping in a police ex-
ercise, because the officer
loaded live ammunition in-
stead of blanks, underscores
yet again the chaotic and to-
tally irresponsible attitude of
too many Americans regard-

ing the use of deadly weap-
ons. The casual “mistake”
of using live ammunition
would be almost impossible
in more-responsible places.
With little regulation and a
casual attitude toward safety,
too many people are going to
kill people, either by intent
or by accident.
Michael Huber,
lindfoRd, england

This TRagedy could have
been avoided had Officer Lee
Coel followed the first rule of
firearm safety: never point
a firearm at anything you do
not intend to shoot. The sec-
ond rule is to assume that a
firearm is always loaded.
Katrine vonWebern,
fRenchToWn, n.J.

Re “voTe foR The WoMan
Because She’s a Woman”
[Sept. 2–9]: This is the
most sexist article I’ve had

the misfortune to read in
a while, and I really don’t
think it’s in your best inter-
est to promote the soft big-
otry of low expectations.
That doesn’t help women
prosper at all, and it drags
society down to the lowest
common denominator. Ugh.
And, yes, I’m very much a
woman who despises this
sort of bigoted talk from her
own, as incompetence in the
name of equality makes all
women look horrible.
Bea Johnson,
noRTh Richland hills,

youR veRy inTeResTing
full-page article outlining
“The Real Problem With
Trump’s Foreign Policy”
[Sept. 2–9] could have ap-
propriately been just three
words: There isn’t any.
Arthur A. Fleisher II,
noRThRidge, calif.


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