
(Chris Devlin) #1

for our guys, in AQI’s eyes, the Kurds were just as bad if not worse than
the Americans. Although they admitted to working in Kurdistan, they did
not reveal they were working on a Babylon Inc. contract for the KRG that
would, in part, help the KRG to defend against AQI.
The terrorists quickly ascertained that Sadiq (because of his first name)
and Hassan (because of his last name) were Shi’ites, and they put guns
to their heads. The armed terrorists roughly pulled all three employees
out of the vehicle and confiscated their wallets, cell phones, laptops, and
Sadiq’s immediate response when faced with this obvious threat was to
exclaim, “Don’t hit me! I’ll tell you everything I know!”
As Shi’ites, Hassan and Sadiq knew they were in imminent danger of
literally having their heads cut off by their mujahedin captors. The bad
guys shoved Omar into the trunk of one of their vehicles. They tried to
forcefully stuff Sadiq into the trunk of our little Volga, but he was so fat that
they were unable to close the lid of the trunk with Sadiq in it. After some
animated discussion, the terrorists yanked Sadiq back out of the trunk and
put him in the driver’s seat. After putting Hassan in the front passenger
seat, and a jihadi in the back, they ordered Sadiq to drive our Volga and
follow their lead vehicle to wherever it was they were going to take them
next. Most likely to their execution spot on the banks of the Tigris River,
which ran through the middle of the divided city of Mosul. Sadiq did as
he was told and began to follow the lead car of the terrorists; about four
other AQI vehicles, one of which held Omar, brought up the rear of the
motley convoy.
The terrorist in the back seat of Sadiq’s car placed his pistol on the seat
next to his crotch and began to look through the confiscated cell phones.
Hassan knew he and Sadiq were likely being led to their deaths, and this
was his last and only chance to act. Fearless Hassan turned around and
snatched the bad guy’s gun and began to beat him with it. The startled and
weaker bad guy bit Hassan on the arm. Hassan refrained from killing the
jihadi with the gun and ordered him out of the moving vehicle. The jihadi
complied. Sadiq immediately veered down a side street, speeding. The al-
Qaeda douchebags in the vehicles behind Sadiq saw what happened, gave
chase, and wildly fired their weapons in typical, undisciplined “spray and
pray” fashion. Several bullets hit the Volga, but fortunately none hit the

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