
(Chris Devlin) #1

pursue American interests abroad than when we truly lived and breathed
American exceptionalism.
Trump’s disgraceful display in front of the CIA’s Memorial Wall the
day after his inauguration was the final straw for many.^4 In the days fol-
lowing his shameful performance at headquarters, where he rambled on
about himself and exaggerated the size of his inauguration crowd, many
CIA employees left flowers at the Memorial Wall in silent protest. He dis-
graced the CIA’s sacrosanct ground the same way he went on to disgrace
the office of the White House. In my view, Trump’s words and actions seri-
ously undermine America’s moral authority and our national security, and
thus represent an existential threat to our nation.
Every cloud has a silver lining. Although in this case, in true Trumpian
fashion, the lining may turn out to be gold. Traditionally apolitical CIA
officers are responding to Trump’s calumnies, attacks on our institutions,
and debasement of the office, by running for political office themselves. I
have no doubt that my former colleagues will continue to put country first,
and Congress and our nation will be better off as a result.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Trump’s willingness to destroy our nation in order to protect himself is in
keeping with his instinctual tendency to rule like history’s other illegitimate
tinhorn despots. Despite Trump’s best efforts to hide the truth about his
lifetime of likely criminal and treasonous behavior, I predict America’s bat-
tered institutions and the free press will withstand his reckless and relent-
less attacks. Trump will fail in his mission to pervert the truth, and that will
make America free again.

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