
(Chris Devlin) #1

early on and for taking the time to provide insightful “big picture” guid-
ance, which was, without fail, spot on. When you told me bluntly, “Nobody
cares about your life story,” I actually knew what you meant and that it was
said with love. Without you, there would be no American Spy.
To former Prometheus Books editor in chief Steven L. Mitchell for
taking a chance on this unusual “animal” of a book. I wish you well in your
much-deserved retirement and hope I was not the cause.
To Jeffrey Curry, copyeditor extraordinaire. I may not be as stupid as I
look, but you make me look smarter than I am. Thank you for your profes-
sionalism and attention to detail and for allowing me to tell my stories in
my own voice.
To Hanna, Jill, Cate, Lisa, Jade, Nicole, Jake, and the entire team at
Prometheus Books. Thank you for your consistent professionalism, for
humoring me, and for patiently and thoroughly answering this novice
author’s many questions about the writing business. I especially appreciate
your and Jeff’s concern about protecting my safety and that of others in
the book.
To all the musical artists named in the book, and hundreds of others
not mentioned: you not only provide the soundtracks to our lives, but your
passion for creating music also makes life better for the rest of us. Even
while conducting SDRs in denied areas.
To Pack Fancher and everyone behind the fundraising phenom-
enon known as Spookstock: thank you for all you do for the grieving and
deserving children of our fallen CIA and special operations brothers and
And finally, to Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Kim Jong Un and
his secretive twin brother (and heir to the throne) Kim Jong Dos: I’m eter-
nally grateful. Without real-life villains, there would be no need for the
good guys.

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