
(avery) #1


us as we drove past in the boat,

signalling they had someone

who needed help. We would stop

and transport the patient back to

the hospital for clinical review.”

In Old Fangak, many

pregnant women arrive for

care at the hospital in advanced

labour or with birthing

complications. The normal

practice in the region is for

women to deliver their babies

at home with the assistance of

a traditional birth attendant,

with little or no antenatal care.

With no surgical facilities in Old

Fangak, and no health facilities

nearby where patients can be

referred quickly, Janet and her

team needed to be well equipped

to deal with emergencies.

“One case that sticks out in

my mind is that of a woman

who had already had two

obstructed labours, during

which both babies had died.
She arrived at the hospital with
a third pregnancy in obstructed
labour. With the support of one
of our doctors, I managed to
deliver her baby. Unfortunately,
however, the baby didn’t
survive,” says Janet.
“The woman sustained a

fistula [a tear between the
vagina and rectum]. It took
three days to refer her to
another health facility for
further care, and another five
days to negotiate consent from
her family for the surgery she
required. But, thankfully, she
was eventually able to get the
care she needed.”
As there is a low level of health

literacy in the region, one of the
main challenges was gaining
the understanding and trust of
patients and families, says Janet.
“We had to work hard
to communicate about the
services we were providing. One
important part of my role was
establishing close relationships

with traditional birth attendants
in the community, to explain
the need for women to seek
medical care. These partnerships
also helped to develop the
community’s understanding of
why MSF is there, and to build
confidence in our services.
“Women and children in this
part of South Sudan have such
high health needs compared

with those in many other parts
of the world. MSF is providing
one of the only medical services
in the region; without the
hospital and outreach teams,
many people would have no
access to healthcare.
“The women in Old Fangak
are incredibly resilient, and it was
rewarding to be there for many
of them during their pregnancies
and feeling that we were making
a difference,” Janet says.
“This resilience was also
true of my South Sudanese
MSF colleagues. They live and
work in adverse conditions and
without them there would be no
Janet intends to return to work
in the field. “I love travelling and
experiencing different cultures.
Working with MSF has allowed
me to combine this with my
work. What could be better?”

She’d already had two obstructed
labours, during which both babies died.

  1. At night, in the emergency ward of
    the Old Fangak clinic, a medical worker
    prepares to treat a young girl with
    malaria. 2. An MSF mobile clinic team
    travels down the Phow River. 3. Janet
    Coleman in Aweil, South Sudan, with
    colleagues from a field placement in 2010.

  2. Consultation in the antenatal ward of
    the Old Fangak hospital.




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