
(avery) #1





ussian violinist Viktoria Mullova’s
high-profile defection to the
West during the Cold War made
international headlines. It began
with a Soviet regime-sanctioned
recital tour in Finland in 1983, requiring
elaborate deceptions about the piano-play-
ing abilities of her conductor boyfriend,
Vakhtang Jordania, who travelled as her
“accompanist”. They gave a KGB minder
the slip and were driven across the Swed-
ish border, knowing that any mistakes
could mean exile to the gulag. Famously
abandoned on her hotel bed was Mullo-
va’s state-owned 1720 Stradivarius violin.
To ensure her defection gained career-
enhancing publicity in the West, Mullova
arranged for it to be revealed by a Finnish
newspaper on a Saturday, timing that
almost scuttled their plans. She and
Jordania arrived in Stockholm to discover
the US Embassy closed for the July 4
Independence Day long weekend. After
two terrifying days hiding in their hotel
room without political asylum, they were
eventually driven to the embassy by Swed-
ish police in a bullet-proof car, farcically
disguised in blond Harpo Marx wigs. Two
days later, they were in Washington.
In her mid-twenties when she defected,
Mullova had already established an
international reputation, winning the
Sibelius Competition in Finland in 1980
and a gold medal at the Tchaikovsky
Competition in 1982. In the former, she
played the famous Violin Concerto, which

she will perform in Auckland this month
in very different circumstances. In film of
the 1980 event, the young Mullova is a
tense, unsmiling soloist in a demure, long-
sleeved white dress. Her strong command
of her violin, however, is nothing short of

astonishing. In a recent conversation with
the Listener, she explains the austerity of
her youthful stage demeanour.
“A big chunk of my life as a young
musician was being scared, terrified of
making a mistake or not doing it right
and the thought of not winning. This feel-
ing accompanied my life from age four.
Studying in Russia, I had to achieve really
good results and win competitions. That
was the main thing. I had to prepare the
repertoire very well and win; second place
was not enough. I had to be best and I
had to be perfect. That’s a lot of pressure
for a child.”


ow close to her 60th birthday, and
still considered one of the world’s
great violinists, she describes her
defection as “a turning point, the best
decision I’ve made. I gradually began to
open up. If you’re scared, it’s an obstacle
to making music, as you can’t make the
music give something.”
Mullova will play with the Auckland
Philharmonia Orchestra under the baton
of another Russian defector, Vladimir
Ashkenazy. “I really admire his talent and
musicianship, he’s a great musician.”
She claims her conception of the Sibel-
ius concerto hasn’t changed greatly since
that nervous competition nearly 40 years
ago, but that she has changed as a musi-
cian. “It’s easier for me to play technically
now, which is strange, because usually the
older you get, the more difficult works are
for your fingers.”
With the Russian “cult of perfection-
ism” behind her, Mullova blossomed
in the West, collaborating with other
musicians and developing broader rep-
ertoire interests. Acclaimed for her Bach
performances, her approach to Baroque
composers was hugely influenced by
performing with the Italian ensemble
Il Giardino Armonico and other “early
music” greats. The abandoned Stradivarius
was replaced by her Jules Falk Stradivarius




Ahead of her NZ

concerts, violin star

Viktoria Mullova

recalls her escape

from the USSR.

“A big chunk of my life
as a young musician was
being scared, terrified

of making a mistake or
not doing it right and the

thought of not winning.”







Viktoria Mullova: “I don’t
have to prove anything
to anyone about how
well I play the violin.”
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