Better Homes & Gardens – Holiday Crafts 2019

(Marcin) #1

press center of arm piece in the glue; let
dry. Bend arms as desired.
Mix brown paint with water until mixture
is the color of tea. Brush the wash all over
fi gure, leaves, stem, tendrils, and base;
let dry.
Using pinking shears, cut a 2×20-inch
rectangle from blue-and-cream ticking.
Brush the fabric with the wash; let dry.
Stitch together short edges with right sides
together to make a ring. Turn right side
out. Sew gathering stitches along one long
edge, leaving long thread tails. Slide skirt
over fi gure. Pull threads to gather skirt
around middle of body; knot thread ends.
Using dabs of hot glue, secure gathered
edge to body.
Cut two^3 ∕ 8 ×4-inch ticking strips each
with a blue stripe running through the

center. Place strips over arms and top of
body; hot-glue strip ends to skirt for straps.
Hot-glue a button to each strap end. Brush
straps with the wash; let dry.


Paint 1^1 ∕ 2 -inch foam ball black; let dry. Cut
a 3^1 ∕ 2 -inch segment and a 7-inch segment
from 18-gauge paper-wrapped wire. Paint
the wire segments black; let dry.
Cut two small triangles from black
cardstock for ears. Paint a small off -white
triangle inside each ear. Using a crafts knife,
cut two slits in head and hot-glue ears
in slits.
Referring to photo, paint orange
crescents for the cat’s eyes, a triangle for
nose, and an oval for mouth. Paint the
mouth outline, whiskers, and eyebrows

off -white. Shade the eyes using off -white.
Using a toothpick dipped in off -white,
dot the pupils. Highlight mouth and nose
using off -white if desired. Let dry.
Using the tip of crafts knife, poke a
small hole behind each ear. Bend the
31 ∕ 2 -inch wire segment gently to create a
handle. Fill each hole with hot glue and
insert the handle ends.
Using jewelry pliers, bend an end of
the 7-inch wire segment back on itself
to make a small hook. Bend hooked end
of the wire to form a crook. Hang cat on
hook. Hot-glue pole inside fi gure’s hand
and trim pole to desired length.
Tie off -white ribbon into a bow
around fi gure’s neck; trim ends using
pinking  shears.


shown on page 8


1 yard of fusible web
2—15×29-inch rectangles of black
felt (pillow front and back)
^1 ∕ 4 yard of cream felt
Scraps of felt: orange and black
Black sewing thread
3 yards of^1 ∕ 2 -inch pom-pom fringe:
14×28-inch pillow form

Enlarge patterns in Pattern Pack. Lay fusible
web, paper side up, over patterns. Use a
pencil to trace patterns, leaving about

(^1) ∕ 2 inch between tracings. Trace pumpkins,
facial features, whole pumpkin stems, and
stem stripes separately. Cut out each fusible
web shape^1 ∕ 4 inch outside traced lines.
Following manufacturer’s instructions
and referring to photo, right, press fusible-
web shapes onto wrong sides of designated
felt colors, using cream for whole stems
and black for stem stripes; let cool. Cut
out felt shapes on drawn lines. Peel off
paper backings.


Referring to the photo, lay out felt
shapes for the word, pumpkins, and
stems on a black felt rectangle. Following
manufacturer’s instructions, fuse pieces in
place. Place black stripes on stems; fuse in
place. Using black sewing thread, topstitch
around each letter, pumpkin, and stem

(^1) ∕ 8  inch from each edge. When topstitching
the letters, follow the lines of the script
lettering as shown in the photo.
Arrange eyes and mouths on pumpkins;
fuse in place. Using black sewing thread,
topstitch around each piece^1 ∕ 8  inch from
each edge.


Pin pom-pom fringe to right side of pillow
front edges with pom-poms facing in,
overlapping ends at bottom of pillow
front. If desired, baste pom-pom fringe to
pillow front.
With right sides together and using
a^1 ∕ 2 -inch seam allowance, sew pillow
front to pillow back, sandwiching fringe
between layers and leaving an opening at
bottom. Turn pillow cover right side out.
Insert pillow form through opening. Stitch
opening closed.
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