Business Spotlight 08.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1




Every kind of business needs financial
data. In this issue of Skill Up!, we provide
you with the words and phrases that will help
you discuss corporate finance.
In Word Bank (pp. 4–5), you can learn key
vocabulary for talking about the company fi-
nance department and financial reports. The
dialogues in the In Context section (pp. 6–11)
focus on phrases for talking about responsi-
bilities, discussing the financial health of a
company and looking at future funding. The
phrases from the extracts are listed in Phrase
Bank on pages 12–13. In the grammar section
(pp. 20–21), we look at how to use the compar-
ative and superlative forms to compare com-
pany performance and finances. Try the Test
exercises at the end of the booklet, on pages
22–23, to see how well you know the language
presented in this issue.
Don’t forget to read the Skill Up! boxes for
tips on how to improve your knowledge of fi-
nancial English. You’ll find more such boxes in
Business Spotlight magazine.

The most effec-
tive way to learn a
language is not by
learning grammar and
vocabulary separately
but to learn in chunks
— groups of words
that form meaning-
ful units. When you
can process chunks,
rather than individual
words, communica-
tion becomes faster
and more efficient.
Practise chunks from
the Phrase Bank and
Collocations pages
by making a note of
those you think will
come in useful when
discussing corporate
Illustration: Bernhard Förth

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Author, editor,
corporate writer
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