
(John Hannent) #1


Note : Page numbers followed by t refer to tables.

abortion, 115

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), 13 , 100


discrimination against ( see racism)

police shootings of, 116– 119

in presidential election of 2016, 110

as social conservatives, 111 , 112

stereotypes of, 63 , 117

work ethic and family values of, 62

in working class ( see black working class)

agricultural workers, 115– 116

alienation, among white working class, 4 , 129

“All in the Family” (television show), 2

ambit of responsibility, 68– 69 , 71 , 130

ambition, among elites, 37– 38

American dream, 32 , 69 , 70

American Federation of Teachers, 126

Ammerman, Colleen, 81

AMTEC (Automotive Technical Education Collaborative), 88

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