disability benefits to, 98– 99
fictional depictions of, 2– 3
future of jobs for, 93– 95
permanent decline of jobs for, 44 , 83
resentment of professionals among, 30
sense of loss among, 69– 70
sexism among, 75
technical expertise of, 30
blue states, 40 , 78
Boeing, 89
Bourdieu, Pierre, 43
breadwinners, men as, 76 , 78 , 80 , 91 , 92
capital, cultural, 28
Casey, Liam, 89– 90
caste system, college as perpetuating, 46– 47
Center for Manufacturing Technology Excellence, 88
character, working-class emphasis on, 31 , 33
charitable giving, 39
Chicago, Democratic convention of 1968 in, 123
child care, 14– 16
costs of, 14– 16 , 39