
(John Hannent) #1

rise of, 2– 4 , 130

class comprehension gap, 4

class condescension, 6 , 67 , 130

class conflict

in abortion debate, 115

need to defuse, 119 , 131

in working-class resentment of the poor, 13

class consciousness

decline of, 2– 3

history of, 2

self-employment as expression of, 26

class culture gap

class migrants’ experience of, 50– 51

how to bridge, 33– 34

in politics, 121– 124

class migrants

on admiration of the rich, 26

ambivalence of, 33

on class culture gap, 50– 51

college experience of, 47 , 51– 52 , 111– 112

definition of, 4– 5 , 26

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