
(John Hannent) #1

geographic mobility

for college, 47– 49

for jobs, 35– 41


blue-collar jobs in, 94

manufacturing in, 84 , 90

glass ceiling, 73– 74 , 77

globalization, 83

global outsourcing, 89 , 114

Golden Triangle Link, 88

good men, 78

government, negative attitudes toward, 100– 107

government benefits, 97– 107. See also subsidies

disability, 21– 22 , 98– 99

gaps in public understanding of, 97– 101

how to improve public understanding of, 101– 107

means-tested, 21– 22

unemployment, 21– 22

working-class views on, 21– 23 , 100 , 124

Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 2

hard-living families, 14 , 17– 19 , 62 , 63

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