
(John Hannent) #1

on necessity of college, 84

patriotism among, 106

policy recommendations for, 114– 119

strategies for connecting with working class, 109– 119

on ubiquity of racism, 61

likeability, of women vs. men, 79

Limbaugh, Rush, 70 , 77– 78

loans, student, 49 , 100 , 105

loss, whites’ sense of, 67– 70

low-income families. See poor, the

manliness. See masculinity

manufacturing jobs

decline of, 83– 84 , 88 , 114

future of, 94

middle-level skills needed for, 84– 85

return of, 89– 90

Markle Foundation, 86 , 93


children born outside of, 41

decline in, 41

gay, 32– 33 , 66

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