
(John Hannent) #1

The Submerged State , 98

Microsoft, 94

middle class

definitions and use of term, 9– 10

income of, 9– 10

self-identification as, 9

subsidies for, 100

middle-skill jobs, 84

migrants, class. See class migrants

military, U.S., 104 , 118– 119

minimum wage, 127

minorities. See people of color; specific groups

misogyny, 131

Mississippi, Golden Triangle Link in, 88

MIT Task Force on Production in the Innovation Economy, 85

mobility, geographic

for college, 47– 49

for jobs, 35– 41

morality. See also values

black working class on, 16– 17 , 18 t , 111

vs. merit, 16– 17 , 63

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