
(John Hannent) #1

anger of white working class in, 3 , 6

educational level of voters in, 12

Electoral College in, 125– 126

Latino voters in, 110

median income of voters in, 11

poor voters in, 11

race baiting in, 59– 60

racism among voters in, 63– 65

sexism among voters in, 78– 82

unions in, 126– 127

working-class women voters in, 75 , 77

primary elections of 2016

median income of voters in, 11

poor voters in, 11

privacy, 29 , 116

professional elites

on college, necessity of, 43– 45 , 86

definition and use of term, 10

geographic mobility of, 36– 38 , 41

income of, 91

parenting approaches of, 54– 57

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