racism, 59– 72
in assessments of morality and merit, 61
class differences in expressions of, 61– 63
elite displacement of blame for, 60– 61 , 63
in elite hiring decisions, 61
in elite wages-of-whiteness strategy, 59– 60
explicit, 62
false choice between white working class and, 71 , 130– 131
in policing, 116– 119
among professional elites, 61– 62 , 63
in Trump’s rhetoric, 59– 60 , 63– 64
among Trump supporters, 63– 65
ubiquity of, 60– 61
whites’ sense of loss and, 67– 70
working-class embrace of as a way of expressing class anger, 64
rape, in military, 119
real men, 78
redneck stereotypes, 52
red states, 40 , 78
regulation, government, 103– 104
regulatory capture, 103