
(John Hannent) #1

Richards, Ben, 64

Rieder, Jonathan, 21 , 62

Rivera, Lauren, 46

rules, respect for, 66– 67

rural areas

as education deserts, 48

in Electoral College, 125– 126

health care in, 94

immigrants in, 66

traditional values in, 31

safety, government role in, 101– 102

safety nets, social

of elites, 21

of working class, 20– 21 , 39– 40

Schiller, Reuel, Forging Rivals , 59

Seattle, manufacturing in, 89

Section 8 public housing subsidies, 100

self-actualization, 18 t , 30 , 34 , 115

self-development, 27 , 36 , 115

self-discipline, 14 , 16– 17 , 20

self-employment, 26

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