
(John Hannent) #1

sibling rivalry, 56– 57

Silver, Nate, 11

“Simpsons, The” (television show), 2– 3

sincerity, vs. irony, as class divide, 30

slavery, responsibility for ending, 68– 69

small businesses

government regulation of, 103

and immigration policy, 115

social class. See class

social codes, of professional elites, 45

social conservatives, African-Americans as, 111 , 112

social equality, 4 , 71– 72 , 130

social history curriculum, 106

social honor

blue-color, loss of, 69– 70

elite vs. working-class approach to, 28 , 33 , 39– 40 , 77

social networks

of elites, 29– 30 , 47

of working class, 35– 36

social programs. See government benefits

social safety nets

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