
(John Hannent) #1

up-credentialing, 85– 86

values. See also family values; traditional values

of immigrants, 66

of Latinos, 110– 111

values, of elites

list of common, 18 t

merit vs. morality as, 16– 17 , 63

range of sexualities in, 32– 33

work ethic in, 20 , 37– 38

values, of working class, 16– 20

list of common, 17 , 18 t

morality vs. merit as, 16– 17 , 63

in resentment of elites, 31– 33

in resentment of the poor, 16– 20

shared by blacks and whites, 16– 17 , 18 t , 111

shared by immigrants, 66

traditional, 18 t , 31– 33

work ethic in, 17– 20

values voters, Latinos as, 110– 111

Vance, J. D., Hillbilly Elegy , 14 , 17– 21 , 29 , 45 , 106


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