
(John Hannent) #1

responsibility, and strategizing.”^132

As a result of his greater independence, “Tyrec learned important life skills not available
to [elite] Garrett. He and his friends found numerous ways of entertaining themselves,
showing creativity and independence.” Even sibling relationships differed. The intense
focus on competition in elite families fueled intense sibling rivalry of a type rarely found

in nonelite ones.^133

Too often, in comparisons of elites to nonelites, the assumption is that nonelites should
get with it and emulate their betters. That’s not always true, and parenting is a case in
point. Concerted cultivation and work devotion, perhaps the two central institutions of
life in the professional elite, each deserves a closer look. What’s the unspoken message
of helicopter parenting—that if you don’t knock everyone’s socks off, you’re a failure?
What’s the better message: that the key is to be a good kid, or that every child needs to
be above average?

  1. Why Don’t They Push Their Kids Harder to Succeed?

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