
(coco) #1

Most of these siloed applications were the very first applications that were built or were
otherwise acquired by the corporation. As a result, these were the very first applications
that inhabited the corporation.

In many cases, these applications were the applications that directly connected the
corporation to its customers. Typical of these applications were ATM processing, bank
teller processing, airline reservation processing, and so forth. These early applications
were critical because they were the day-to-day face of the corporation to its customer

These early applications had a direct effect on the day-to-day business of the corporation.
For example, when the bank teller system went down, the bank had to cease doing
business until the system came back up.

Current Valued Data

One of the common expectations was that the data found in the application were what
can be called “current valued data.”

Fig. 5.1.6 shows current valued data.

Fig. 5.1.6 Current valued data.

Chapter 5.1: The Siloed Application Environment
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