Microeconomics,, 16th Canadian Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

Figure 14-9 Distribution of Family Income, 2015

Figure 14-9 shows the fraction of Canadian families with pre-tax
incomes inside specific intervals in 2015. In these data, families include a
couple with or without children and also include lone-parent families.
The figure shows that 19.8 percent of families had annual incomes less
than $40 000, whereas 38.4 percent had annual incomes above $100 000.
The median income for “couple” families in 2015 was $88 610.

There is considerable inequality in the distribution of income across
Canadian families. This figure shows the percentage of Canadian families
(couples with or without children and lone-parent families) in each broad
income group. Just under 20 percent of families had pre-tax income less
than $40 000; almost 42 percent had total income between $40 000 and
$100 000; and just over 38 percent of families had total income above
$100 000. The median pre-tax income for couple families for 2015 was
$88 610.

(Source: Author’s calculations based on data from CANSIM Table 111-0012.)

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