3D World

(Sean Pound) #1

Black Panther

other rhinos that are running
through. They’re a bit bigger. The
facial features are like a white
rhino which have these wide
lips, while the black rhino has a
beaked lip structure that they use
to eat leaves, so ours became a
hybrid.” Each rhino has distinct
characteristics. “They are different
in their structure, size, colouring
and horn design.
“We took a lot of guidance from
Rachel Morrison’s photography
and she likes a shallow depth of
field. There was a lot of, ‘What is
the story of this shot?’ Anything
that is a distraction from it would
usually go or would need to be
pushed to the background.” A
lot of dust was generated by the
combatants. “You have to make
sure that you clear out the areas
that you want to be seen. When
the Dragon Flyer is firing and
creating explosions we were timing
those with the animation of Black
Panther running through them.
All of that is choreographed down
to the beat so that you don’t lose
the audience in what you’re trying
to do.” Method Studios created
the Talon Fighters and Dragon
Flyers. “There’s a section in the
Wakandan bible which talks about
incorporating designs from nature
into the vibranium technology,”
states Perry. “The Dragon Flyer

has an x-wing pattern like a
dragonfly. If you [stand] the Talon
Fighter up and spread the wings
out it resembles an African tribal
mask. Everything fit into place
appropriately and things would
move out of the way to make
clearance for other things that
were articulated. There was a lot of

attention put into the functionality
of these models.”
A problem emerged when the
final battle was being assembled
in editorial which required a fix
late into post-production. “Agent
Ross helps out by remotely piloting
the Royal Talon Fighter to try
to stop the vibranium weapons
from getting out of the country,”
explains Perry. “In order to provide
a sense of danger to him, they came
up with an idea of a Dragon Flyer
starting to blast its way to the lab
as he is piloting. That shot didn’t
get conceived until December
and our first animation pass was
in mid-December, so we had four
weeks to put that whole sequence,
and it wasn’t just us. It was
shared between us, ILM, Cantina
Creative, Ghost and RISE because
we all had different components
that contributed to the shot.”
A practical seat was built for
Martin Freeman who portrays
Agent Ross. “Everything else
was made up in the sequence.
We already had the lab built, the
mineshaft and Dragon Flyer were
also ours but the heads-up display
of Ross flying through Golden
City was ILM. ILM had to render
the cameras and provide them to
Ghost which put them inside this
hologram of the ship. That ship
would be put in our environment

and Creative Cantina created the
heads-up display graphics. RISE
did a number of the shots too. All
of that had to come together to
deliver the final shot. That being
said it makes the movie better and
more exciting.”


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Houdini culled the
environment based
on the position of
the camera when
determining what
would be high and
low resolution

Custom Houdini
scripts were written
for the sphere
blasts of energy
emitted from the
Black Panther and
Killmonger suits,
and the gauntlets
worn by Shuri

“We used lots of atmosPherIcs

to PIck out the sIlhouettes”

Andy Brown, VFX supervisor, Method Studios

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