Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms

(Jeff_L) #1
20.7 Summary 281

In particular,
δt=Jot(`t) =Jσ(Wtot)(`t+1)diag(σ′(Wtot))Wt
In summary, we can first calculate the vectors{at,ot}from the bottom of
the network to its top. Then, we calculate the vectors{δt}from the top of
the network back to its bottom. Once we have all of these vectors, the partial
derivatives are easily obtained using Equation (20.3). We have thus shown that
the pseudocode of backpropagation indeed calculates the gradient.

20.7 Summary

Neural networks over graphs of sizes(n) can be used to describe hypothesis
classes of all predictors that can be implemented in runtime ofO(

s(n)). We
have also shown that their sample complexity depends polynomially ons(n)
(specifically, it depends on the number of edges in the network). Therefore, classes
of neural network hypotheses seem to be an excellent choice. Regrettably, the
problem of training the network on the basis of training data is computationally
hard. We have presented the SGD framework as a heuristic approach for training
neural networks and described the backpropagation algorithm which efficiently
calculates the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights over the

20.8 Bibliographic Remarks

Neural networks were extensively studied in the 1980s and early 1990s, but with
mixed empirical success. In recent years, a combination of algorithmic advance-
ments, as well as increasing computational power and data size, has led to a
breakthrough in the effectiveness of neural networks. In particular, “deep net-
works” (i.e., networks of more than 2 layers) have shown very impressive practical
performance on a variety of domains. A few examples include convolutional net-
works (Lecun & Bengio 1995), restricted Boltzmann machines (Hinton, Osindero
& Teh 2006), auto-encoders (Ranzato, Huang, Boureau & Lecun 2007, Bengio &
LeCun 2007, Collobert & Weston 2008, Lee, Grosse, Ranganath & Ng 2009, Le,
Ranzato, Monga, Devin, Corrado, Chen, Dean & Ng 2012), and sum-product
networks (Livni, Shalev-Shwartz & Shamir 2013, Poon & Domingos 2011). See
also (Bengio 2009) and the references therein.
The expressive power of neural networks and the relation to circuit complexity
have been extensively studied in (Parberry 1994). For the analysis of the sample
complexity of neural networks we refer the reader to (Anthony & Bartlet 1999).
Our proof technique of Theorem 20.6 is due to Kakade and Tewari lecture notes.
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