Amateur Photographer - 27.09.2019

(avery) #1





Now there is this whole

terror about getting old...

fascination with youth is

overrated. What’s so special

about being young?

Peter Lindbergh RIP
German fashion photographer (1944-2019)

$3 million
Total prize money awarded to 347 scientists
around the world who enabled the
fi rst photograph of a black hole.
We’re sure they can do the maths.

Words & numbers

Inaugural SheClicks exhibition
opening soon in London

IT WAS an enormous ask for judges tasked with
selecting just 50 images for the fi rst SheClicks
exhibition, which is due to open in London in a
few days’ time on 25 September.
The female-only community, which was set up
by Angela Nicholson, has grown to almost 5,
members in just over a year of its existence.
Although the idea of an exhibition has been
fi rmly in founder Angela’s mind for some time,
she could never have hoped for such an
enormous reaction.
In the end, more than 2,000 entries, across
a huge range of genres, were submitted for
selection. This stunning and playful image was
captured by Christine Johnson. It and 49 others
will soon be on display at the After Nyne Gallery
in Notting Hill, London.
To see more pictures from the fi nal judges’
selection, along with more information about the
group, exhibition and dates, see page 32.
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